
Contact and Location

Phone + 64 4 934 2271

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    Wellington Jazz Club meets at Meow, 9 Edward St Te Aro, Wellington 6011
    Phone +64 4 385 8883

    How to find Meow

    Meow is hidden away in the middle of the block between Manners, Willis and Victoria Streets.

    It is a brick building which you can see 50 metres ahead of you along Edward Street from Victoria Street.

    There is also a walkway through buildings from the corner of Manners and Victoria, and you can also walk under cover from Willis Street through the Food Court.

    You could arrange to be dropped off at Meow but Edward Street is narrow and you cannot park there.

    Parking is available free in the surrounding streets, especially Willis Street and Victoria Street (beyond the present roadworks).

    There is plenty of parking in Wilson’s multi-storey carpark (access off Willis Street) for $4 /half hour for max $15. (Take a ticket and pay before exit.)

    After parking there you can take the lift to Ground and walk through the Food Court to Meow.